Hotel Motel Le Boisé du Lac
Lake Duhamel - Mont-tremblant - Québec - Canada

How to get there?

vue aérienne du boisé du lac

le boisé du lac coté lac

The arrival should be made between 3 pm & 10 pm. (Often rooms are ready at about 1 pm) if you foresee a later arrival,after 10pm, please call us:
the desk is closed after 10 pm.Rooms must be vacated by the very latest noon.

Thank you & safe journey

We are located in the Laurentians

1hr&45 minutes North of Montréal

To visit our resort the directions are as follows: approximately 1hr & 45 minutes North of Montreal, take autoroute 15 North to Ste-Agathe. After St-Agathe, the 15 North merges with the 117. Continue on the 117 North past St-Jovite. 3 km after St-Jovite, at exit 119, continue on 117 for one more km then turn right & you have arrived
2 hours from Ottawa
From Ottawa, take autoroute 50 East. Get onto 148 East to Montebello. Take 323 North to St-Jovite. Turn left to get on the 117 North in St-Jovite. 3 km after St-Jovite. At exit 119 continue on 117 for 1 km then turn right and you have arrived.
5 minutes on the North from St-Jovite-downtown
and 10 minutes from Tremblant-resort.

click on TREMBLANT for enlarge......

tous droits réservés - - -